1938 WA State Football team window Shopping in Adelaide.  These were G. Moloney, T. Cato, J. Hooper, B. Gook, J. Reeves and B. Crowe.

Moloney. George Michael ‘Specka’ .  Played 190 games for Monts from 1927-45, scoring 555 goals

Cato, T.  believed to be an official in the party.

HOOPER, Charles John (Jack)  Played 162 games between 1936 and 1946.

Gook, Albert Henry (Bert) Played 148 games for Perth between 1933 and 1940, (512 goals)

REEVES, Edward John (Jack) – Played 96 games for Claremont between 1936 and 1946

CROW, Robert Sidney  Played for East Perth 1929 – 1937